
490daysaftersettinghislastworldrecord,he'snowachievedanewbesttimeof4:54.56,whichmeansthathumanrunnersarenowjust18framesawayfroma ...,ViewNewSuperMarioBros.speedruns,leaderboards,,Niftskihaspushedthattimeevenlower—settinganewworldrecordof4:54.631foralive,human-controlledfullgamerun—we' ...,ViewSuperMarioBros.speedruns,leaderboards,

It took 490 days, but the Super Mario Bros speedrun world record is ...

490 days after setting his last world record, he's now achieved a new best time of 4:54.56, which means that human runners are now just 18 frames away from a ...

New Super Mario Bros.

View New Super Mario Bros. speedruns, leaderboards, forums and more on


Niftski has pushed that time even lower—setting a new world record of 4:54.631 for a live, human-controlled full game run—we' ...

Super Mario Bros.

View Super Mario Bros. speedruns, leaderboards, forums and more on Submit run · Niftski · Resources 43 · Guides 37

Super Mario Bros. Any% Speedrun in 4:54.565 *WR*

FIRST 4:54.5XX!!! After a whopping 9 runs to 8-4, I was finally able to lock in and close out this run. Although the 8-4 could have been a ...

Super Mario Bros. Any% Speedrun in 4:54.631 *FWR*

Update 1/10/25: This run is now obsolete and is no longer a PB! Watch my new WR here: FIRST RUN TO EVER BE TIED ...

Super Mario Bros. Speedrun in 4

The most clutch gamer alive. It was supposed to be a joke but somehow this happened- the first 4:55 in Super Mario Bros. and probably the ...

Super Mario Series

Explore the Super Mario speedrunning series on, including leaderboards, categories, and community resources.

[WR] Super Mario Bros. any% in 4:54.798 by Niftski

This run is 5 frames, or 0.08 seconds, faster than Niftski's previous record of 4:54.881 set last December. The time save comes entirely in 8-4.